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Take Back Program

The take back program was launched in December 2009. North Dakota offers two free programs for residents to dispose of unwanted medications - The Take Back Program at participating law enforcement agencies, and the MedSafe Program at participating Pharmacies.


Click for ND Attorney General Website

What is accepted?

Unused or expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, including:

  • Pills, tablets, caplets (please remove product from the packaging);

  • Inhalers, nebulizer solutions, liquids and creams (leave IN the original container)

  • Controlled substances

    • Pain relief such as Vicodin, Hydrocodone, Demerol, OxyContin, fentanyl, etc.;

    • Anti-depressants, like Valium, Zoloft, Prozac, etc.;

    • Sleep aids, such as Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata, etc.

Not accepted

  • Sharps (syringes, lancets), thermometers, glass, home based care (HBC) or durable medical equipment (DME) supplies, and pharmacy inventory. Ask your pharmacist where to safely dispose of these items.

The Take Back Drug Box is located in the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office Lobby with 24/7 access. After hours please use the intercom located in the main lobby and staff will escort you to the disposal box.